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Roebling Bridge Stock Footage and Stock Videos - 129 Results

129 results of Roebling Bridge Stock Footage and Videos in 1080, UHD, 4K & 5K

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129 results found
DXP001_000473 - Aerial stock photo of Flag on top of the Roebling Bridge spanning the Ohio River, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_000476 - Aerial stock photo of City's skyline and the Roebling Bridge across the Ohio River, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_098_0023 - Aerial stock photo of The Ferris wheel by Roebling Bridge at night, with city skyline in background, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003202 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the Roebling Bridge at night with city skyline in background, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_000471 - Aerial stock photo of The side of the Roebling Bridge with Ferris wheel and skyline in the background, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_097_0003 - Aerial stock photo of The bridge and river with view of city skyline, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003157 - 5.7K aerial stock footage pass Roebling Bridge to approach Ferris wheel and city skyline at sunset, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003191 - 5.7K aerial stock footage fly over Roebling Bridge at night to approach city skyline, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_097_0016 - Aerial stock photo of A view of the city skyline and Ferris wheel at sunset, seen from bridge and Ohio River, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_097_0013 - Aerial stock photo of The city skyline and the Ferris wheel at sunset, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003190 - 5.7K aerial stock footage stationary view of the city's skyline across the Ohio River at twilight, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_098_0022 - Aerial stock photo of Ferris wheel, Roebling Bridge and city skyline at night, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003158 - 5.7K aerial stock footage ascend by Roebling Bridge for reverse view of Ferris wheel and city skyline at sunset, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_097_0014 - Aerial stock photo of The Roebling Bridge near the Ferris wheel and city skyline at sunset, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_098_0017 - Aerial stock photo of The Roebling Bridge at night and the city skyline, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003199 - 5.7K aerial stock footage orbit Roebling Bridge at night with city skyline in background, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_097_0008 - Aerial stock photo of A view across the river by bridge focusing on city skyline, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_098_0015 - Aerial stock photo of The city's skyline across the Ohio River at twilight, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002660 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby and reverse view of condo complex, office buildings and Roebling Bridge in Covington, Kentucky


DX0001_002611 - 5.7K aerial stock footage fly over bridge spanning river to approach football stadium, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002639 - 5.7K aerial stock footage fly away from the Roebling Bridge spanning Ohio River near the city skyline, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002598 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of a reverse view of the city skyline and bridge by Ohio River, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003181 - 5.7K aerial stock footage ascend from river by bridge to approach city skyline at twilight, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003183 - 5.7K aerial stock footage fly away from skyscraper and Ferris wheel at twilight, reveal the river and bridge, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003154 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby the Roebling Bridge over the river at sunset, approach the skyline, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002650 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby the city's downtown skyline, seen from a bridge spanning Ohio River, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003179 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flying by lights of city skyline and bridge at twilight, seen from across river, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_098_0016 - Aerial stock photo of The city's downtown skyline across the Ohio River at twilight, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003133 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the city skyline and Roebling Bridge seen from the Ohio River, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002642 - 5.7K aerial stock footage orbit flags on the Roebling Bridge spanning Ohio River, with view of the city skyline, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003153 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the city skyline seen from the Roebling Bridge over the river at sunset, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002612 - 5.7K aerial stock footage orbit football stadium before flying away from bridge, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_097_0004 - Aerial stock photo of The city skyline, and bridge over the Ohio River, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002614 - 5.7K aerial stock footage ascend and flyby riverfront baseball stadium and skyline, reveal bridge, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_098_0009 - Aerial stock photo of A view of the lights of city skyline and bridge at twilight, seen from river, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003173 - 5.7K aerial stock footage ascend from Roebling Bridge lit up at twilight, approach city skyline, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003187 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flying by the city skyline at twilight, seen from river near bridge, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_000474 - Aerial stock photo of The Roebling Bridge spanning the Ohio River, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_097_0007 - Aerial stock photo of City skyline, seen from the Ohio River near bridge, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003201 - 5.7K aerial stock footage descend by Roebling Bridge at night with city skyline in background, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002644 - 5.7K aerial stock footage orbit flags on top of the Roebling Bridge, reveal the city skyline, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003137 - 5.7K aerial stock footage ascend by bridge from river toward the city skyline, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_000469 - Aerial stock photo of The Roebling Bridge spanning the Ohio River with the city skyline in the background, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003176 - 5.7K aerial stock footage approach end of Roebling Bridge and city skyline lit up at twilight, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_000472 - Aerial stock photo of The side of the Roebling Bridge with the Ferris wheel and skyline in the distance, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002633 - 5.7K aerial stock footage ascend from river beside the bridge with the city skyline in background, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002634 - 5.7K aerial stock footage fly over Ohio River beside the bridge toward the city skyline, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_003134 - 5.7K aerial stock footage ascend by Roebling Bridge to approach the city's skyline, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002641 - 5.7K aerial stock footage descend by the Roebling Bridge spanning Ohio River with view of the city skyline, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002684 - 5.7K aerial stock footage flyby the city's skyline, seen from a bridge over the Ohio River in Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_097_0012 - Aerial stock photo of The city skyline's skyscrapers at sunset, seen from Ohio River, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002636 - 5.7K aerial stock footage fly close to the bridge and away from the city skyline, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002628 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of flying by a bridge for view of two riverfront office buildings in Covington, Kentucky


DX0001_003170 - 5.7K aerial stock footage reverse view of city skyline and Roebling Bridge lit up at twilight, seen from Ohio River, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002627 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of passing a condominium complex, two riverfront office buildings and bridge in Covington, Kentucky


DX0001_003139 - 5.7K aerial stock footage ascend by bridge while focused on the city skyline, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_000452 - Aerial stock photo of The city's skyline and Roebling Bridge spanning the Ohio River, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DXP001_098_0003 - Aerial stock photo of The city skyline behind Roebling Bridge lit up at twilight, seen from Ohio River, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


DX0001_002624 - 5.7K aerial stock footage reverse view of two riverfront office buildings and bridge in Covington, Kentucky


DX0001_003165 - 5.7K aerial stock footage of the city skyline and bridge lit for twilight, and approach from Ohio River, Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio


129 results found
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