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Lava Flow Aerial Stock Footage and Photos - 10 Results

10 results of Lava Flow Aerial Stock Video Footage and Photos available in HD 1080, 4K UHD RAW, 4K UHD, 5.5K RAW, 4K, 4K UHD H264 & 4K LOG | Page 1 of 1

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10 results found
FG0001_000094 - 4K aerial stock footage fly away from the Pisgah Crater cinder cone and lava field in the Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County, California


AX154_139E - 5.5K aerial stock footage flying lava flow and evergreen forest in Parkdale, Oregon


FG0001_000080 - 4K aerial stock footage fly over rugged Mojave Desert mountains to approach Pisgah Crater in San Bernardino County, California


FG0001_000086 - 4K aerial stock footage pan across Pisgah Crater and lava field in Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County, California


FG0001_000087 - 4K aerial stock footage pan across the lava fields around Pisgah Crater in Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County, California


FG0001_000079 - 4K aerial stock footage of the Pisgah Crater behind rugged Mojave Desert mountains in San Bernardino County, California


FG0001_000090 - 4K aerial stock footage of the lava fields of the Pisgah Crater in the Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County, California


FG0001_000078 - 4K aerial stock footage tilt from Mojave Desert mountains to reveal Pisgah Crater in San Bernardino County, California


FG0001_000089 - 4K aerial stock footage pan across the lava fields of the Pisgah Crater in the Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County, California


FG0001_000088 - 4K aerial stock footage pan across the lava fields by the Pisgah Crater in Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County, California


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